Life is meaningless without projects

Present from Meiji 2 weeks ago, just rescued out from my bag..
Pink. Pink. Nana hates pink. Actually, I think pink is a colour for the weak females. I have no problems wearing it but it's not my fav colour. I feel like a weak female tonite and besides I have so much time to fiddle with my blog's html, that I volunteered to help nana's with hers.
Yesterday huh, nana made me laughed very hard at her assorted van houten nuts statement. The statement made realised what a bunch of great friends I have made over the 2 short years and you know, I always make fun of people and I dont show them my deeply felt appreciation. Usually Im not a religious person but I would like to thank whichever god for knowing them.
Also, I got to know baby jiji. I'm extremely far from perfection but still he loves me.
He could be mentally unstable. Or I could be.
Tomorrow, when I re-read the mushy stuff I have written here, I might jump off my block.
Liloo has found a temp job. I'm wondering if I should do so too. I'm holding out for the right job with the right company. Pay is secondary if it can buy me the experience I need. How how? I so snobbish about choosing company, I think I will need to sell my kidney soon.
You have no idea how broke I'm now. I cant even afford bus fare to go out. I jolly well should stay home to blog all day as a full time job. And let readers subscribe to my blog for a fee.
Anyway, today liloo indirectly sort of implied that Mr D. looked hamsome today. I said indirectly sort of implied.
Ok. Today people. I'm going to tell you about opportunities staring at you in the face but you havent realised it yet.
I'm done telling you.
My sister rented the 7pm channel 8 drama, Square pegs. Oh man, that is like the sweetest fiction guy I have ever seen. Men like that do not, and i repeat DO NOT exist. And love-sick guys like dave and ah sheng DO NOT exist.
Don't let fantasy blocked your vision.
Speaking of TV, I'm in favour of crediting ayam's name as the director for the Fann Wong show.
Today I feel extremely lazy and the weather doesn't help much by being so windy and cold. So I'm going to photo blog today on my paparazzi shot page.