
Saturday, June 11, 2005

It ain't easy being cheesy

Today is Friday Blog Fever.

Supposed to be.

But seriously do you know the amount of work and time I spend on composing a long post?

I bet you don't.

Cause most of you are probably snoring like Jellyfishes.. oops i mean pigs when I bulletpoint my thoughts.

Even nerds and geeks - allegedly smart people, not bimbos I tell you, have to think about what to write and let me tell you the actual writing is a very very difficult task.

This is my indirect way of telling you that today's post is not going to be long.

I'm trying to make this post as long as I can.

It aint easy being cheesy.

Anyway, after the last post in which i called some men mentally challenged (also known as stupid), everyone must be thinking that I'm a men hater.

Of cuz not!! I'm not a men hater!!

I love men. Mr wei. Mr brad. Mr lau. and others flavour of the month.

In every single way I can. In G-string, tongs, boxers. Anything. I'm not very fussy.

My theory is very simple.

Judge men with a critical eye. Especially the ones you think you will spend your life with.

Don't be a dumb-bell hor. Some men are wily foxes. I added the word some in case Mr wei has a problem with that sentence.

Today, CMJ made me go to her frenster profile to take a look.

Becuz she said that she posted pictures of her brother.


And I was damn curious to see if charisma runs in the family.

To CMJ: Sad to say, it seems like only you have got it baby ---> yeah this is the good bunny talking. the evil bunny is bathing now.. so you are safe for the moment.

I promised myself some time ago to stop going to frenster becuz:

1) I thought that my blog will be enough to keep me going

2) My kaypoh nose will start to itch which I wanted to avoid

3) My whole body will be itch to bitch about someone, actually anyone


Anyway I just wanna say this after visiting Frenster:

There seems to be an increased in the female population taking their own strange pictures in unimaginable poses.

Type 1:

The 'oh watchout for birdshit from above' pose

Females prone to these usual take their own pictures from a certain angle from above - hence the name

I would like to state some examples of people we know who likes to do this, but you know... I always get into trouble when I open my big trap

Anyway, this pose is bad for the eyeballs. Straining them you know...

With so much of their eye-white exposed, they actually look abit possessed..

Type 2:

The 'oh my right side view is better den my left side view' pose

I would love to continue to describe more about the various types of poses found on frenster but my pesky Mr wei is prohibiting my blog schedule.

It's late and he wants me to sleep.

Often in geniuses life, there are evil forces. You know what I mean.

So I will continue this some other day. Soon.

I will leave you with this blog from Miss Sotona and EC's good fren and best project mate

I present to you, The contender for the shortest blog award - 22 words in all. I counted. But I may be wrong.

There's just one post by the way.

Okie anyway, just go and see the bad brother which has caused our beloved CMJ so much headache. HEE


Disclaimer: No stuffy toy was hurt in the process of photography.

3 Fan(s) in the Fanclub today ||| Irritating fans Corner

At 1:33 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Great work!
[url=http://tgmmvgmh.com/mzlq/mzaj.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://grdxbagk.com/ladr/zzsr.html]Cool site[/url]


At 1:33 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit


At 1:33 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Nice site!
http://tgmmvgmh.com/mzlq/mzaj.html | http://zesehgbg.com/dgtc/fmeq.html


Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Planet Venus

Welcome to Bunny's Hitchhiker's Guide to Planet Venus.

Annoying men have always grumbled about understanding women.

Oh, she's always doesn't mean what she says

Oh, she's so naggy and grumpy

Blah Blah Blah

The complaints about women from these annoying men/houseflies are endless.

Well, usually I will ask these straight men to consider dating other males since they think we, women are so intolerable.

If you think, you should take up my suggestion of dating other men, Click Here.

But I'm in a fine mood after watching Mr and Mrs Smith yesterday, which to my surprise is a pretty entertaining show.

I mean even if there is no plot, no dialogue, I will still find it entertaining.

You know what I mean.

So today, I'm going to list here the rule of thumb when it comes to understanding women.

RULE OF THUMB - also known as follow or else risking your young life

1) Don't lie. Or Don't get caught trying to lie. Or Don't even think about lying.

Why i suggested not even thinking about lying is becuz:

a) it's geninuely not healthy in a relationship

b) women have what they affectionately termed as women's instinct, they can smell a rat and a lying rat (which is you by the way) a mile away.

c) your pants may catch fire

Points to note: Categorising Lies

A White Lie is okie - when it will make us very happy, over the moon, howl at the moon in pure joy

A Red Lie is bad - when it is done to save your stupid ass from something stupid which you have done becuz it is like wearing superman's red underwear infront of a raging bull

A Grey Lie (also known as an omission of truth) has potential to turn red in nature depending on good you can manage to keep the blindfold over her eyes

Penalty Kick for Lying: Four out of Five

2) Do I look fat? The best answer.

Seriously, you have a better chance of surviving a minefield in vietnam if you choose to answer this question without a thought. I would then suggest you queue for a brain transplant at the National Brain Center.

Very IMPT! Do a Situational Analysis:

Check the look in her eyes.

The Look in her eyes: serious, determined and rational
Action Suggested: sugar coat the truth.

Eg 1: "Well, you are slimmer then me" - usually this tactic allows you to act whiny and save you the agony of pacifying your chick becuz the tables have turned and she will now have to pacify you.

Eg 2: "We can go exercise together, IF YOU THINK YOU NEED EXERCISE" - now remember the last part of the sentence is very very important, like a bodyguard to President Nathan becuz that last part will protect you from ALL danger.

Never never say, "Well, slimmer then Lydia Sum wat". Even if you are mentally challenged (also known as Stupid), this is not the time to show case your shortcomings dude.

The Look in her eyes: whiny, slight dillusional or possessed
Action Suggested: tell a white lie and save your life becuz you only live once. Roger

The time and place where she said it

Time and Place: In the midst of a battle on playstation, in the midst of the finals of a soccer match, in the midst of a major bowel removal
Action Suggested: Pay Attention lah. So easy.

A woman knows better then to disturb you during important situations like the above mentioned.

Time and Place: At Gucci while trying on an expensive dress
Action Suggested: Say yes she is getting fat and be prepared to get the cold shoulder treatment

She will thank you in the future for helping her to save that amount of money. That is, if she is still on talking terms with you lah.

Penalty Kick for wrong answer: Two out of Five

3) Crying

This is what I call a weapon of mass destruction, Mr Bush. Those of you who are mentally challenged must know and keep it in mind that when it rains on venus, it is time to say sorry. Even when you are NOT in the wrong.

And say that you love her lots.

And that you will do her laundry next week.

If you are unwilling, I strongly suggest that you think about who is the one who will push babies the size of watermelons out from her vagina.

Penalty Kick for helping to induce weapons of mass destruction: Three out of Five

4) Deciphering what she says

She doesn't mean what she says, grumble the average blockhead man

Women always get this shit crap.

First of all, men, too don't always mean what they say.

Girl: Oh darling, will you buy me a Tiffany Diamond Ring?

Guy: Maybe

Let me tell you women the big conspiracy!! Maybe equals to NO!!

Secondly, the reason why women don't mean what they say at times is becuz they are subjecting men to tests to see if they are worthly.

Worthly of what? You asked.

For us to endure the PURE JOY of pushing watermelons out from down there lah. What else.

So if a man can't even play mind games with us, how do you think these blockheads can go out and fight a war.

Clues to decipher the hidden meaning

a) "No need to buy me flowers lah" - this on most cases is a test to gauge how sincere the guy is and if the guy is initiative enough to buy flowers for their girlfrens. The best place to send the flowers to is to her office where she can show off her bouquet to her envious colleagues. If it is a stalk of 3 roses, I advice that you better give it to her at home.

b) "No lah don't waste your money" - If you hear this you better start saving for whatever it is that she wants. This sentence is just teling you that there is no hurry to get this but get it soon lah.

c) "You better not buy this I warn you" - See the stark difference? This is a direct order.

d) "Fine" (in a huffy puffy voice) or long silence - According to a website, FINE is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up immediately and never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks.

Long silence could be a sign that she disapproves of something and is waiting for you to ask her what is wrong before she launch into a 1 hour full blown nagging. It could also be a sign that she has fallen asleep if you are on the phone with her.

No matter what, apologise immediately and say that you are very sorry and volunteer to do her laundry next week again. Even if it is not your fault. Or if you have no clue about what is wrong. Just apologise.

If not you might have to endure POINT 3 - crying.

Penalty Kick for misinterpreting her meaning: Two out of Five

5) Eye candy on the Streets

I know you men have a tendency to check out hot chicks. This is a fact and something that we women cannot deny, for men are truly weak (no self control over their eyeballs and other balls). A good example would be Mr Austin Powers.

A glance is fine but please show a little decency and draw the line at drooling. If you want to drool, don't let her catch you.

This is a gauge women usually use to see how much respect you have for them in general. So I quote Mr Austin Powers, 'Oh behave'.

Penalty Kick for over-ogling: Three.five out of Five

6) Breaking a date

Usually I won't advice breaking your date to see your lovely girlfren unless you have something important to do like:

a) complete a final battle on playstation

b) watch the final soccer match between Brazil and Singapore (HA)

c) to play soccer with your friends, brothers or fathers whatever

If you very bravely decide to break your date with your lovely girlfren, be prepared to incur the wrath of a dragon or tigress (yes I'm talking about the one at home) or be prepared to incur a hefty sum on your credit card to buy some pretty presents from Tiffany, Cartier or Bvlgari. Anything from these 3 are fine. We are not very fussy.

Final Note: Arguments

There are women who are good at cooking and the rest are just women who are good at arguing.

So never go into an argument which you think you can win becuz you will be the ultimately loser.

Basically in life, there are 2 types of women you will meet.

Those who are sweet and spice and everything nice. And those who have razor blades for tongues.

For this, you have to make a judgement call to see which type of girl your chick is.

Like for instance me, I'm the sweet and spice and everything nice type. So i pretty much suck at arguments and I'm good in cooking.

For those of you unfortunate enough to have razor blades for girlfrens, I suggest you chant this phrase 50 times, 3 times a day.

When she's happy, I'm happy

Easy Peasy.

The secret to understanding a woman's volatile behavior lies with the major factor that feeds her thoughts -- her emotions. Amen.

p/s the photoblog is done.

About the Author:
Sweet and spice and every nice.

5 Fan(s) in the Fanclub today ||| Irritating fans Corner

At 1:33 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Thank you!
[url=http://rfgifpig.com/qefd/virc.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://qxqtwale.com/omwn/dndp.html]Cool site[/url]


At 1:34 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit


At 1:34 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Good design!
http://rfgifpig.com/qefd/virc.html | http://cqgahxgr.com/zyxc/aztz.html


At 8:30 AM, November 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Good design!
[url=http://uoynupgt.com/wpsh/fjlt.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://uxswqrmp.com/qhvw/ywrz.html]Cool site[/url]


At 8:30 AM, November 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Thank you!
http://uoynupgt.com/wpsh/fjlt.html | http://tiwhmryv.com/opda/zkmz.html


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fresh Meat

I admit I have a thing in common with gay men.

I like men too.

Today for no reason I found myself at the SGboy website.

Okie maybe I was too bored at home.

In case my innocent readers here have no idea what the SGboy is all about, just let me tell you that it is a place like Cold Storage where you pick up the freshest meat available.

Look at Fresh Meat Sextion

Today I came across this letter seeking advice which I thought was hilariously funny.

Read Hilarious Letter to Gay Aunt Agony

After going through the hot website which showcases some pretty boys in skimpy wear, I realised that the army is actually a huge supermarket, something like Carrerfour for gay men to shop around for freshest meat.

That is very sad news you know.

Overseas women going after Singapore men, men buying overseas brides and now men going after men.

Denise Keller has - how many?- 10 guys fighting for her attention

I tell you, we normal women are doomed.

One fine day, we will have to make a trip down to a matchmaking agency to buy a bridegroom from kalimantan lah.


Speaking of Denise Keller on Eye for a Guy - i'm all for the underdoggie Howard

Photoblog will be done by tomorrow I promise!!

3 Fan(s) in the Fanclub today ||| Irritating fans Corner

At 1:34 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Well done!
[url=http://fntdvvir.com/pfgr/iqan.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://mizemqby.com/vauk/hfwb.html]Cool site[/url]


At 1:34 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit


At 1:35 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Well done!
http://fntdvvir.com/pfgr/iqan.html | http://stodhggm.com/sjne/hgbb.html


Monday, June 06, 2005

To the Moon and Back


A big thank you to the honeybunnies who wished me luck today for my interview.

I seriously needed it because I forgot to borrow CMJ's lucky red panties from her on Saturday. boohoo

Some tough questions encountered at the Killer Interview today:

1) How would you educate your clients on how to use market research?

My sequence of thoughts:

a) HUH?!?! in big bold capital letters

b) Nabeh - self explanatory

c) panic - weakness of humans when faced with unknown

So I talked about the importance of market research.

Which absolutely has no link whatsoever to his question

I know. Cuz I can see the questions marks hanging over his head after that.

2) How would you engage a quiet respondent in a focus group?

With a ring lah



3) How would you improve research process be it quantative or qualitative?

Pay researchers more to do less, Mr Cheong. That is what I think will improve the process


After the depressing interview, I decided to go for a hair trim.

I have decided to stop risking myself being labelled an arsonist in the future since my hair ends WILL no doubt cause a bush fire these days

And the hair dresser offered to trim my fringe for me too.

So if you see me on the streets, pls don't scream in my face

I debated with my conscience about putting the picture of hideous chucky on my blog.

Because I know some of you children out there, will no doubt be screaming for mummy right now or have a nightmare later.

So I have decided to post a super duper cute picture to make sure that you have your beauty sleep later on.

Baby Rachel

Isn't she a doll?


Semester results are OUT!!

Hope you guys did well!

My grades are nothing fantastic lah but I passed my International Marketing module which I thought I will flunk!!



How many times must I say that good things don't last?

Stupid bunny


After his interview, he came by my place for dinner.

When I opened the bloody door, he laughed and said exactly, "HAHA, so cute"

And since he is playing game and ignoring me now

Hahaha pumpkin you are so cute too: from your girfren from hell

p/s wrote this yesterday but forgot to post it.. boohoo.. sorrie :)

3 Fan(s) in the Fanclub today ||| Irritating fans Corner

At 1:35 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Thank you!
[url=http://ugosnimb.com/pheb/bpij.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://ooyzszld.com/moyt/famq.html]Cool site[/url]


At 1:37 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit


At 1:37 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous, your number one fan said,

Thank you!
http://ugosnimb.com/pheb/bpij.html | http://pduhxdsq.com/thdt/rjfm.html


A Woman's Right to Shoes.

Yeah! And to Handbags and to Earrings.

I spent yet another sunday with 2 million sweaty human beans in Orchard again!

Can't say that I have enjoyed it though..

Today Mr Wei NEEDED to buy a NEW TIE to MATCH his NEW G2000 business shirt.

Like the way a woman need a pair of Jimmy Choo or Manolos Blahnik to match a new handbag.

Gee... Mr wei, what did you say to me the last time I wanted to buy a pair of earrings to match my top?

Gee... Mr wei, what did you say to me the last time I wanted to buy a handbag to match my top?

Men are often opposing women's right to everything fun. BOO!

So off we went to Orchard to shop around for cheap and good looking ties. And yes, most of the time, that is an oxymoron.

Most of the time, nothing is cheap and good looking except for men.

Before, I get stoned on the streets. I would like to remind readers that I'm referring to good looking playboys in general.

So today at Orchard, a brief experience of watching the Changing of Guards parade at the Istana.

I don't mean that the guards showed me their six pecs in public.

Not that lucky, I guess

P/s One day, just one fine hot sweaty day, I will swagger sweatly into On Pedder at Ngee Ann City to blow 1k on a pair of fabuuulouuuus shoes that can rival the height of Malaysia's Petronas Tower.

Watch this space for the list of tough difficult questions which I will experience at tomorrow's interview as experienced by ayam

Since I have forgotten to borrow CMJ's lucky red panties, wish me luck.

1 Fan(s) in the Fanclub today ||| Irritating fans Corner

At 3:51 AM, June 06, 2005, Blogger Icy PrinCesS, your number one fan said,

Hey dawnie, good luck to u too!~