My delightful letter
Dear Neo,
After, your little 'pep talk' at 4pm yesterday, I'm delighted to inform you that today will be my last day in your employment.
Have a good weekend! Hope you peng san when you see my letter.
p/s You can keep my smelly sweater which I havent washed for ages that is left on my chair, my little notebook and G2000 Voucher.
Kiss my ass,
Dawn Chan (Ms)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
CMJ - The Fortune Teller
It feels like ages since I last blogged but in reality only a few days have past.
I have been busy sending my resumes out and going for the odd interview every now and den.
Yesterday I was talking to my favourite girl and she predicted that by the end of this week I will get a job.
The other day I went for an interview at this company called Ban Leong Technologies, which is at another far end of the galaxy which is also known as Kaki Bukit Techpark.
Click here to see the amateurish Ban Leong website
Damn Fugly.
Hello Mr Teng if you really earned $50million last year maybe you want to spend some on a new and savvier website. At least a flash introduction or something lah. Nerds like me get turned off by fugly websites like these.
And pay me more. $1.8k for the first 3 months is damn little.
Place 1:
Kaki Bukit Techpark located in the outback of Eunos is not a place for a gal who wants to climb the corporate ladder.
Kaki bukit techpark itself brings on the image of a hokkien spewing ah beng becuz when I went there, there are bengs and bangs everywhere.
Bangs is a short form I use to refer to our dear Bangladeshis workers who have sweated much for our nation.
So now basically you have formed this image about the far end of the galaxy where there are plenty of bengs and bangs roaming the warehouses but no shopping centres for me to patronise after work.
Top Dog:
Today, for my second interview, I was grilled mercilessly by this man who is going to be my direct superior. There was this point when I was so angry and pissed with his constant grilling that I was about to burst into tears and ask him to fuck off. But I asked to be excused for a toilet break. Need some fresh air to compose myself.
I'm still sufferring from aftershocks.
Some mind numbing questions:
1) How are you going to compete with another candidate who is asking for $1.6k for this postition?
2) Tell me something that I don't know about the company
3) How much tangible value do you think you can bring in for the company?
4) Why did you apply for this post at this company and not some other big company located conveniently in town?
5) I don't think you are worth the amount you asked for. Why do you think you are worth $2.2k?
And I was grilled for 1.5 hours. I almost died. I swear.
So after 1.5hours of almost unbearable interrogation, he patted me on the shoulders and said to me that tomorrow I have to attend their IPO launch at Raffles Hotel or Swisshotel.
And I will start work tomorrow as compared to the rest of the new employees who start on Monday.
I havent even enjoyed my freedom fully!! I havent gone to Kbox with the girls yet. I havent met up with my pals whom I promised last week. I havent spent enough time with Mr wei.
And I have no clothes to wear!! What to wear to IPO launch?!
So save the congrats and pats on my back people.
p/s the only happy moment while I was there was when I was shown my workstation. Near the corner baby.
At 3:44 AM, June 16, 2005, Icy PrinCesS, your number one fan said,
Gambatte Bunny!!~
Kaki Bukit is super far for me but ok for u la. Treat us huh remember! Heh.. Hope u hv a gd start later. =>
Monday, June 13, 2005
My best friend - a brief introduction
Best Friend Number 1
I'm a latchkey kid.
Meaning I come back to an empty home most of the time - which also means I lead a pretty sad and lonely life at home.
Best fren number 1 is the loveliest of all cuz he is always here for me when I come home
When I come home, Hammie will be the first person I see cuz he's in the living room and so I will ask him if he has had his meal, how's his day, how many laps on the wheel did he run today and stuff like that.
If he's in a bad mood, which I can tell since I'm his best fren too, he will ignore me by pretending to be asleep.

Hammie is still considered a stud at his age cuz he has big balls. And the girls around the neighbourhood loves to flirt with him.

Mr well hung.
And my relationship with best fren number 1 at times, has affected my relationship with best fren number 2 becuz best fren number 2 - Mr wei will get jealous at times.
And becuz I said that Hammie is well hung, I must also comment that Mr wei is well hung too. In case, he gets jealous.
Mr wei, since he is ignoring me now too, I shall blog a little about him.
Mr wei, currently 25, was a well hung classmate whom had questionable relationship with another guy in my class, Mr Lee.
Mr wei, though at times, slightly gayish and at times risk being hit on by other gay men becuz he has a cute and perky butt, has been a great boyfren.
Mr wei, currently 25, is a typical Type A so he is supposed to be calm, mild-tempered, reliable and undecisive according to the write-up on the Newpaper (Jun 02)
And Mr wei is supposed to complement me cuz I'm supposed to be a hot headed, stubborn, extroverted Type O.
Blah blah
Anybody who knows me well will know that I'm a piece of walking candy man. Sugar and spice and everything nice.
By the way, I'm blogging this while I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out and meet Mr wei.. so I guess I will be late again.
You know how mums have a tendency to force you to do things that you don't want to do?
Today I was happily minding my own business - spamming my resume out to potential employers and my mum was singing her lungs away behind me in the living room.
Den all of a sudden, she asked me, "you understand what I singing or not?" and becuz she was singing in hokkien, I said no.
Den she proceeded to ask if I want to know what the lyrics mean.
I mean what the .....
Does the back of my head look like it wants to know what the song means?
I know someday the lightning god will strike me cuz I did something childish - I covered my ears and whined "no no no no no no" like there was no tomorrow.
The thing was my mum proceeded to tell me the lyrics even though my hands were over my ears and I was wailing my "no no no no" like some 5 year old.
There you have it. A brief introduction on my mum too.
The blogging community
I was reading Kenny Sia today and I was so bored and lonely at home becuz Hammie refuses to play with me so to kill time, I took Kenny's NEW blogger personality test
Congratulations , you are...

Finicky Feline of
You may seem sweet on the outside but behind you hide a sharpened claw. You have the observation skills of a forensic detective and can see right through people easily. You attract attention, both good and bad, but more bad than good. You've seen more assholes in life than a proctologist. The bad ones tries to screw you over but quickly learnt that its a bad move because you enjoy screwing them back accordingly.
So NOT true.
Remember? I'm sugar and spice and everything nice. All the way.
Can't remember the last time I bitch about someone.
On Saturday's papers, there was a column on this singapore teenager blogger, 19years old who posted a picture of herself in her birthday suit.
See Sarong Party Girl Birthday Suit
Innocent children below 18 shouldn't click on that link above.
I saw this a few days ago but was thinking no big deal what. Some more not say very chio with or without clothes.
I also can post naked pictures wat.
Some more cuter 100 times

What big coconuts you have hammie says little red riding hood
p/s applause for nana's long blog which kept me entertained for 1 hour
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Today something scary happened to me while I was at home.
The vision in my left eye was uncleared.
There were black spots blocking my vision which resulted in only partial vision in my left eye.
And nothing that I do could get rid of those black spots which covered my vision.
I tried splashing my left eye with tap water, washing it with eyewash, rubbing it furiously and taking a nap.
Nothing worked.
To tell you the truth, I was pretty freaked out. Things like these, people take for granted until they are about to lose them...
I'm not a particularly religious person but I did pray that I wouldnt be robbed of my vision :(
I don't know what's wrong but my vision slowly cleared in about 2-3 hours
I hope nothing is wrong with my vision, so I should be going for an eye examination one of these days and I googled and found out that Singapore Polytechnic offers an eye check at only $5!!
- Welcome back memorandum
- Give me back my koi
- Race Queens
- Fat Face Alert
- From Print to Screen
- Caught between the Keyboard & Mouse
- Mr Wei's no show
- Criticism before stardom
- I'm your sassy neighbour
- The Mr Wei Blabberman Show
- You are SO PRETTY
- I want to look like you too.
- Is your surgeon Woffles Wu?
- This is sad. After going through my collection of posts, me, the profeminist old hag has only written 2 posts on MEN!! I can't believe it!!
- Dicks and other Dickheads
- Hitchhiker Guide
- whyiBLOG
- 97) started out as another avenue to avoid a bunch of barking female dogs.. oops.. who let the dogs out... woof.. woof.. woof.. woof..
- 98) to show that pretty geeks can construct proper sentences too
- 99) nothing better to do
- 100) as a memory keepsake and also to remember/honour the silly things my frens have done or said
- 101) to improve my writing skills and hone my sorely lacking creativity