From Print to Screen
Earlier today, the four of us, nana, ayam mother hen, liloo and I went to ogle Initial D.
Notice the usage of word "ogle" - as we have absolutely no interest in the storyline whatsoever. They went to ogle at guys but I, being noble with absolutely no lecherous thoughts, went with one purpose - to ogle the beautiful racing cars that the characters drive.
Surprisingly, the movie was better than I expected. Maybe becuz I went in with low expectation on the plot and high expectation on eye candy.
I'm talking about Cars!! CARS! Can't you stop thinking of the 3 handsome dudes for once?
HIYO so exasperating to communicate with old people nowadays leh.
Today I went in the cinema thinking that I will come out gushing about the 3 eye candies but I came out gushing about another unexpected shuai guy...

Eh Uncle, why you so shuai?
I think you quite shuai and cool, Uncle Wong but you might want to consider NOT wearing sleeveless in the future, if you still want me to be your fan.
Why I think Uncle Anthony is shuai could be due to the fact that I lack a fatherly figure now HAHA
Mum is seeing lawyer tomorrow. I think she will find that Uncle Anthony is shuai too.
Today after watching some movie trailers in the cinema, it struck me that alot of upcoming movies are adapted from print.
Have hollywood run out of ideas for movie plots?
Or are script writers becoming more expensive?
If any hollywood bigwigs or producers read this, you might want to employ me to help you churn out your next oscar hit while I'm still available to work for you.
Hey Mr wei, by the way, remember someone whom I forgot who, told you that The Chronicles of Narnia, Narnia is the name of the little girl.
Actually Narnia is the name of the magical place lah. Dunno which idiot told you that Narnia is the little girl's name.
See Chronicles of Narnia: the merlion, the bitch and skipping rope's website
Yes yes in a nutshell, it's about the story of a bitch who found a magical skipping rope by the singapore merlion - inspired by ayam's war of the worlds between aliens and singapore HEHE
Another print to screen which I highly anticipate will be Charlie and the Khong Guan factory.
See. I told you I can churn out local favoured stories for hollywood.
Enough about me crapping about movies.
2 women = market. 3 women = pasar malam. 11 women = united nations summit.
Very pleased to inform that the UN summit this year was held successfully at the newly opened Swensens at Marina Sq.
I have no idea how many pictures we have taken today but it will roughly take 3-4 days for me to photoblog. You fussy and impatient people have no idea how trouble it is to post up pictures and think of crappy captions man.
Some pictures I took of Liloo's unintended present, complimentry from the Mgmt of Marina Sq.

Some socks to warm your feet and rice for good nutrition.

The box used to trick Liloo.
I hope my sister doesnt realise that her box is gone. Forever.
Talking about my sister, the both of us as well as Mr wei are addicted to Maple
Left to right: My work and gaming CPUs and gorzilla's gaming and work stations.

If Maple mgmt are reading this, they may want to consider hiring me to be their marketing personnel while I'm still available becuz I have managed to interest our dear Ayam to consider playing maple.
Download Maple and Start Playing
Need instructions, call me.
Some screenshots of my Maple character which is like the real me too.

My character taking a rest after battle

Me in my hometown

Mr wei and I

Mr wei and I making kissy faces at each other
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Caught between the Keyboard & Mouse
I havent been eating, sleeping, bathing and blogging becuz I am obsessed with a game
I ignore my frens on MSN becuz I'm playing game
I open my eyes, I think about my game. I live, sleep, eat and talk game.
Click here to see what perverted game Bunnie is playing at the moment
I havent even looked thru last week's recruitment ads and it's wednesday oredi
Help! Bunnie needs HELP! This is a desperate cry for SOS!! My fingers are stucked to my keyboard and mouse!!
I might even tell Liloo that I am sick tml so that I can play game at home
At 11:46 PM, June 29, 2005,
, your number one fan said,you better dun... if not, i'll ask hammie to eat u up
Mr Wei's no show
Dear Mr Wei,
I'm deeply puzzled by the no-show of your Mr Wei Blabberman show. Pls advice.
Yours Sincerely,
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Criticism before stardom

Like how failure is the lao bu (aka mother) of success, before stardom always comes criticism.
After watching some singing cum idol competition on TV lately, I have developed some illusions that I am qualified to give my 2 cents worth about some stuff I observed.
Before I proceed, I have basically grouped human beans into 3 categories.
Type One - human beans who are superstar material. They can act, sing, dance, do somersaults with one finger and jump through rings of fire for our pure entertainment.
Human beans who arent not able to do the above mentioned but are able to look cool/droolalicious just by not doing anything can also be considered a superstar.

Local Yummy beans.
So cold.
Type Two - human beans who think they are of superstar material but in fact they can only qualify to stage a concert occasionally in their own shower or at best sing along with the downstairs ah meows during their mating season.
Please don't confuse this type of beans with other beans who KNOW they are not superstar material.
Type Three - human beans who think they are qualified to criticise superstars and wannabes on their blogs.
May I say that this is a minority group of people left out in the lonely world becuz they get stalked by weirdos in the toilets or get stoned to death sooner or later.
The rest of you who doesn't fit into any of the 3 types of people are basically animals. Meow.
However one thing which I'm proud to say is that the quality of contestants for Project Superstar is better than Singapore idiot or idol or whatever.
Taufik could probably be a star on Suria or in Malaysia in the near future and the other one, the rocker wannabe with girlish red lips might just die a slow celebrity death.

Yikes. Interview with THE local vampire.
After all, fame is fleeting and the end of their 15 minutes of fame is near.
Like every other contest held before time, there is always a fair share of couch potato critics (like me) condemning contestants like its nobody's business.
It is through people like me that help separate the wannabes from the real stars.
People I dont want to see on TV permanently:
1) Human beans with no looks no talent
2) Human beans with no talent
3) Human beans pretending to be monkeys (aka people who make a fool out of themselves)
4) Myself
Anyway, after the Project Superstar show on Thursday, I compiled 2 major observations which I have big trouble accepting:
1) Hand Signs overkill
Have you noticed the increasing trend of wannabes do handsigns when they are on TV or taking pictures?


and Dumber

And dumbo the elephant
I seriously have no idea where did silly hand sign mania evolve from.
Have you ever seen Jay Chou, king of cool do silly looking hand signs?
Of cuz not.
Have you seen Edison Chen, bad boy of bad do silly looking hand signs except for the universal hand sign for fuck?
Of cuz not.
Have you seen Brad pitt kor kor, sexiest man alive do silly looking hand signs?
Absolutely not!
You know why? Cuz hand signs are seriously reserved for cute japanese manga characters.

And also reserved for cute mei meis.

It drives me crazy to see these wannabes do the hand sign thing, each time they ask you to vote for them through sms.
Dial 6 if you want to vote for Tan Ah Meng *Tan ah meng does a 'six' hand sign*
Insult my intelligence. I dunno what is six meh?
Unless you are a effeminiate male, please keep your hand signs to a minimal.
2) When sleeveless is NOT sexy

In Sleeveless and sarongs/skirts watever
Den came Ah du...
Arghhh my eyes!! My eyes!! Save my eyes!!!
Click here to see Steven Lim Bangs and Blogs
Men in sleeveless is wat? Men shouldn't be in anything sleeveless. Not even basketball players. You think I want to see their hairy sweaty armpits meh? Sorrie, I only want to see my Mr wei's hairy armpit.
I have been meaning to write all these down for the longest time. I just have never gotten down to doing so.
My favourite wannabe - not becuz of sympathy vote
Ahh.. comes with cute dimples too
My sister said actually he quite shuai.
A new picture upload tool which is easy to use!
At 5:00 PM, June 26, 2005, Icy PrinCesS, your number one fan said,
Wahahaha.. I love today's entry..
Actually Jay n Ed do silly hand signs too but haha they dun look as silly doing them. =p
- Welcome back memorandum
- Give me back my koi
- Race Queens
- Fat Face Alert
- From Print to Screen
- Caught between the Keyboard & Mouse
- Mr Wei's no show
- Criticism before stardom
- I'm your sassy neighbour
- The Mr Wei Blabberman Show
- You are SO PRETTY
- I want to look like you too.
- Is your surgeon Woffles Wu?
- This is sad. After going through my collection of posts, me, the profeminist old hag has only written 2 posts on MEN!! I can't believe it!!
- Dicks and other Dickheads
- Hitchhiker Guide
- whyiBLOG
- 97) started out as another avenue to avoid a bunch of barking female dogs.. oops.. who let the dogs out... woof.. woof.. woof.. woof..
- 98) to show that pretty geeks can construct proper sentences too
- 99) nothing better to do
- 100) as a memory keepsake and also to remember/honour the silly things my frens have done or said
- 101) to improve my writing skills and hone my sorely lacking creativity
At 1:52 AM, July 01, 2005,
Icy PrinCesS, your number one fan said,
Neh..i dun just go in to oogle at Edison ok... haha u oso go in see jay initially dun key key...
But i came out impressed with the drifting n nothing else haha
ok ur game looks fun