Welcome back memorandum
From: Bunny
To: People skiving at work, people who have nothing better to do at home, innocent passerbys who stumbled onto this blog while surfing porn
Date: 24th Nov 2005
Dear People skiving at work, people who have nothing better to do at home, innocent passerbys who stumbled onto this blog while surfing porn,
Attn: Down the bunny hole again~
after months of sitting on my ass, spending quality time with my bolster and also not digging my nose, I have finally landed myself a job. Without much effort, no less.
No no I'm not boasting. Who me? Never. People who knows me knows that I don't boast. Or brush my yellowish teeth.
For anyone who cares to know where I'm working rite now, if you havent heard you need to move out from pulau ubin and into Singapore. If you already know, you are too damned kaypoh.
As much as I hate getting back into the fat race again, I pretty much love my work place.. Although one of my colleagues is a *HUGE* fan of my past blog, I'm not saying I love my workplace because she might be reading this. I'm not bootlicking here. People who knows me knows that I don't do bootlicking. Applepolishing, yes but I never ever will lick anyone's boots. Never ever will.
Small cosy office. Cubicles conducive enough to take an afternoon nap in. It is really hard to keep awake after lunch you know.
Bunny's timetable at work:
8.20am - Reach company's canteen and have to think and ponder really hard about what to buy for damn breakfast.
8.25am - Still walking around deciding what to eat. All that walking makes me tired. Not to mention hungry.
8.30am - After buying all the food, I have to walk to my cosy little palace. It's SO FAR AWAY. I say all this walking equals to one week of exercise.
8.35am - Reach my cosy little palace. Switch on PC and puts down the food and bag. I don't really like to do weight lifting but I DO have to put down the food.
8.40am - Eats food and read online news or kennysia
8.45am - Everybody starts coming in.. have to pretend to be working *sigh* I swear pretending to work is harder work den actual working - I bet you know this better than I do *ahem*
9.00am - Walk down to 2nd floor to get cold water from the water dispenser. You can image me as a shaolin monk going down the hill to fetch water.
9.05am - Start actual work. Either that or chat a little on msn
11.45am - Pretend to work while waiting for lunch time. Some times i go to the toilet for a little walk. Or to look at my narcissistic self in the mirror.
12.00pm - YAY! Lunch! Fishball noodles yet again!
1.00pm - Back to the grind and the cruel world :(
2.00pm - Starts getting the vacant eyes sydrome.
Symptom: glazed look in sufferers. eyelids feel extremely heavy. some looks abit drunk while trying to keep their eyes open.
Why like tat?: occurs when sufferer had a heavy lunch, not enough sleep the previous night or in my case too much hard work in the morning.
Cure: currently in the medical world, there is NO cure for it.
2.30pm - Almost can't stand the drowsiness anymore... Have to eat something or drink milo.. But not before I walk to the toilet to look at my narcissistic self in the mirror.
2.45pm - Back inside my cosy little palace with my sweater on, shawl wrapped around me and sweater number 2 covering my lap. Yes. My cosy little palace is located somewhere near Harbin. That's why I said my cosy little palace is VERY FAR AWAY from civilisation. And VERY cold.
3.00pm - Starts to feel more awake now. Try to do some decent work. No wonder scientists say humans are only productive 20% of the time.
5.00pm - Starts to feel restless again. Stop trying to work. May
walk to the toilet to look at my narcissistic self in the mirror yet again and prepare to pack up silently. Really silently.
5.30pm - Pretend to be hard at work. Boss will usually walk pass my cosy little palace to make a drink at the pantry. I is a smart girl. I knows what to does when the boss walk passes my little palace.
6.10pm - Silently counting down. Feeling as excited as New Year's eve. Wait for one of my colleagues to leave first before I make my exit too. Muahahahahahaha.
It's a dog life man. Woof~
I hope my colleagues don't read this but if they do, they will know it's all exaggerated beyond belief :) Hardworking is afterall, my middle name.
At 4:27 PM, November 28, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
Hooray, Bunny's FINALLY back!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
Well well, glad to know you like (or did you say 'love'?) the cosy office far far away from the canteen (and the residents of the cosy office i'm sure).... i totally agree with you on the timetable sia... all in a day's hard work...!
Psst.. dun think the rest know bout your blog but what i do know is that your neighbour on your left is an avid blog reader as well ;) So dun be surprised if she were to stumble onto your site!
So, do keep it up, dun make your 粉丝们 wait for months again before your next update ya!