Friday Blog Fever
TGIF lah.
While the young population is lancing their night and youth away, I'm doing something 100x more exciting.
I'm sitting in front of my pc trying very hard to sort my files.

You have gotten be kidding me lah.
3/4 of my desktop is filled with JPEG files.
And that's not even the complete set of photos yet. And to think I promise everyone I will photo blog about Ayam's bthday celebration tonight.
What to do. some frens are so photogenic. die die must capture them on camera.
photos are a very good form of blackmail sometimes I found out.

p/s sorrie nana next time will include you and take some blackmail-able pictures of you too.
Today. I had to drag myself out of bed for a doctor's appointment.
That is terribly hard considering the good weather for lazying in bed these few days.
But a girl has got to do what she has got to do.
And so I made the special effort to first brush my teeth which I normally put off.
On special sundays, I dont brush.
And a special effort to wash my face which I normally put off as well.
All these done to go see the doctor when I'm not even sick.
And what a fine wonderful day it looked like.

But you know there are always things around the corner waiting to spoil your day.
hmmm... like how
She can tell me she didnt brush her teeth, didnt wear panties today or that my brains could be rotting

27th may 2005, it is.
Doctor tells me to come back on monday or tuesday for the injection.
Today marks the start of the Fake Singapore Sale. I mean great.
But I mean what sale?
Except at G2000. Got 30% off okie.
Will go sniff out more bargains tomorrow.

The next IN thing in FASHION
Speaking of Star wars yet again.
Today Mr Chan and I spent like 2 hours standing in carrerfour watching the Empire Strikes Back.
Just becuz I was too CHEAP to buy the trilogy set which costs a "Great Singapore Sale friendly price" of $88!
Come chant with me.
The Great Singapore Sale is real. The Great Singapore Sale is real. The Great Singapore Sale is real.
I almost couldn't believe my eyes today.
This is not even found in Melbourne and Sydney!
But found right here in Singapore!!
Chilli Choc Fling Tim Tams!

This is the type of stuff used to describe what it feels like to have a affair with brad pitt.
Hot chocolate.
I fell in love again today.

Another yummy discovery which ayam will no doubt love.
$5 bucks for Tom yam soup, 3 freshly fried prawns, pineapple rice with floss and sweet and sour chilli.
At Marina square foodcourt, the Thai stall next to Qui Lian Ban Mee.
I nearly came just by looking at the picture.
It's saturday tomorrow!
I nearly peed in my shorts thinking about flipping through the saturday recruitment ads
I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

Using my non HR instincts, I can tell that this ad is not racially legal.
Although I'm not sure if you can make out what is written there.
.......preferably Indians........ said the ad
I prefer pratas from them too.
no offence meant to abangs who make great pratas too.
I swear i will photo blog tomorrow. Or else my offsprings will have no asshole.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Before I go for my date again...
The best time I feel like blogging is often when I'm rushing for time and I need to meet someone like half an hour later and I'm still not dressed.
Yesterday. I said dressing will be inspired by Mister Darth himself rite? But I didn't.
Instead I was barely covered. *wolf whistle*
So as to speak.
What?!? Nerd cannot wear skimpy meh?
Sometimes I still cannot believe myself when I'm still try to refer myself as a nerd.
I'm NOT a NERD lor.
I'm a Geek.
Dumb dumb woman.
Anyway I wanna talk more about Mister Darth Vader's dressing but I'm really pressed for time.
Tonight hope I can finish getting the pictures from Liloo so I can do a photo blog
Till den LAH.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Before I go for my date..
that is no easy peasy task
i mean what shoes to go with that rite?
gothic black shoes?
herro-kitty inspired shoes?
new cutesy shoe which i havent had the chance to wear
going off now
hope i get some unquotable quotes from someone today
At 5:45 PM, May 26, 2005,
, your number one fan said,
cool, cant wait to see wad you would be wearing later man... border-ed at work. waiting for another 20 mins to pass....
de busy-bee-linnie
Blog again, I must..
realised, I finally...
why i prefer the black, red colours for my blog...
destined for the dark side, I was...
irritating yoda-talk, it is...
unable to help it, I am...
professional help, I need...
smack my head, if you see me...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Star Wars Virgin - Yes I am
Ok I am not ashamed to admit it.
Today's my first ever Star Wars movie.
Whats more, with a shriek-y and gasp-y JC girl beside me!
Samuel l Jackson gets hands cut off. *shriek*
Natalie Portman faints. *gasp*
Obiwan hangs by the edge. *shriek*
I thought kids these days are made of stronger stuff?
Anyway Star wars fans = my dad's generation.
But hey at least I know my Yoda from Obi wan Kenobi rite?
Cuz someone asked me wats Yoda on MSN.
To which I replied to the Yoga girl, It's another type of yoga man.
I love that Yoga girl.
The very cool, suave master jedi.

She's a scream.
She asked me why dont I compete with xiaxue?
I love Yoga girl man. But seems like she doesn't know me well.
Have you ever wonder about some trivial stuff about Star Wars?
I mean how does Darth vader relieve himself? Is his penis burnt from the lava? How does he pee? Does he bathe? What does the red & green buttons on his metal suit do? Why is Yoda single? He is freaking ancient you know. He should get a mate or something.
I have all these thoughts floating in my brains and I tried asking Mr Chan about them after the movie and he had this weird and pained expression on his face.
Like a typical parent's expression when children ask them about the birds and the bees.
Hey man. I'm only curious.
Anyway, the movie is good. Like 4 stars out of 5.
Let me just say again. Orlando Bloom, I'm so disappointed in your latest movie. You should just stick to long hair and sharp ears.
I mean if you want to do other shows, you have to at least show your naked butt or something to interest me in the future.
I hope he reads this.
Tml I will be meeting up with the girls. It's Ayam's pre-birthday celebration. We are going to celebrate at Doc Cheng and have a drink later at Equinox.
In my dreams.
Fine. Duck Rice and dessert at Liang Seah Street.
We are all so broke.
When I said ALL, I mean CMJ and me.
Oh ya. Yesterday. Tuesday. After my interview, I was at the traffic light at Bugis Village crossing over to Bugis Junction. This chubby teenager in blue shorts shoved a NFK donation bag in my face.
So I looked into my wallet. $50 note and some coins. So I took a $1 dollar coin and dropped it in.
Den he tsk me. HE TSK ME! DUMB teenager DARE TO TSK ME.
I hate it when anything that moves TSK me.
What more a chubby teenager.
What more a sweaty chubby teenager .
What more a rude sweaty chubby teenager.
Since I was in a bad mood yesterday.
So I asked him in loudly, "WHAT?! WHAT?!?" The rude sweaty chubby teenager quickly shooked his rude sweaty chubby head and walked away.
I can only assumed that either 1) there was a minimium amount of $2 or $5 for donation or 2) he thinks my $1 is too small.
How I know rite if some idiotic rude sweaty chubby teenager keeps his mouth shut rite?
Bloody hell.
Doesnt pay to do good. Especially on a bad day.
Dark Side. I shall follow. says. yoda wannabe.
Time Blog: In a day of the sourpuss
07:45am Tuesday
Eyes snapped open. Hands reached out to silence handphone alarm. Noise is enough to wake up the dead. Went back to sleep.
08:00am Tuesday
Ring. Ring. Pumpkin on the line. Morning call for me. Time to wake up baby piggy. Okie baby I said. I went back to sleep.
08:25am Tuesday
Alarm sounds again. Not in a very cheerful and ready to face the world mood yet. Went back to sleep again.
08:45am Tuesday
Shit. Late. Interview at 10am. One hour needed to dress up and dilly dally. Leaves no time to empty bowels. Shit. What if my load of 'processed food' decides to give me a stummy ache during interview? Silently pray for stummy to be on best behaviour today. Ok listen to me you fat piece of flab, no making of hungry noises during interview. No churning and I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY I DON'T PLAN TO FART DURING THE INTERVIEW.
Not being to empty bowels makes the day even worst.
Sprayed hair with hair spray which claims ultra lasting hold. No it's not Uhu Glue.
Left house.
09:40am Tuesday
Played cheat and deprived a poor man who was already waiting for a cab, a cab.
Sorrie Abang. Some day I will make it up to you. I hope.
Got on cab. Friendly Uncle. Asked me why I go to work so late, my boss won't scold meh? Uncle is concerned and friendly. In unsociable mood. So told uncle, I'm THE manager. Although I look too young. Uncle kept silent.
Sorrie Uncle. Not your day too. Will make it up to you some day. I hope.
10:05am Tuesday
Got off at Burlington Sq. Up the lift to the 11th floor. Press Intercom. I'm looking for Susan Quah. I added a faked smile for the girl sitting near the door. Just in case.
Nice office. Looks new. Smells okie. No smell of decomposing old people. I can see myself working there. Even the cubicles are meant for me. They are short and small. Good.
Made to fill out some forms at one of the meeting rooms. Said thanks to the girl about my age. Pretended to be friendly.
Ceiling-to-floor mirror on one side of the meeting room. Memories came flooding back. There could be someone on the other side. Such rooms are heavily bugged. I should know better. Hence resist the strong urge to dig my nose and admire myself in the mirror and spent the time filling in the form.
10:20am Tuesday
Suddenly a gust of strong wind. In step no nonsense, straight talking Susan Quah. As predicted yesterday.
Hello Dawn. I'm Susan. And this is X.
I put X becuz:
1) I forgot her name
2) Her name is in Indian
3) She didn't bring along her name card
Can't blame me. Besides I was not in a sociable mood.
X is the head for qualitative and Susan is the head of operations. So today I hope my head will be intact.
Question. Talk. Question. Talk.
Ask me what I wanna do. I said quantitative. Both looks disappointed. Grrr. Just offered me something and stop asking me to choose.
X left half way. Maybe she's not interested in me. Probably thinks I wasted her time.
I don't mind having an indian boss. Provided 1) she has no weird smell and 2) she talks in normal understandable english. It would be good if she makes great pratas.
Left with Susan. Susie promised to pass my resume to quantitative. Maybe she planned to keep me for herself and just pretend that quantitative doesnt want me.
If things dont work out with quantitative, would you be interested in field? She asked. Maybe. If you pay me in USD. I thought.
Sure. I told her. Faked a smile too.
She walks me to the door. See you again Dawn. Great talking to you susan.
All these faking made me very tired at 11.25am.
11:30am Tuesday
Took a cab home. Still in a sour mood. Add on tiredness. A very very grumpy person. Sms Jelly and CMJ to break date.
Sorrie honeys. Will make it up to you(s) some day. I hope.
Good. Mum's not home. No need to see her face. Not up to another round of sparring. Tired and moody. Took a nap without cleaning off makeup.
12:30pm Tuesday
Pumpkin called. Just the teddybear I wanna see. I perk up immediately at the thought of looking at his nice butt. *beam* He promised to drop by to visit me. Yeah!! Thanks pumpkin for enclosing yourself in a small space today.
02:00pm - 06:00pm Tuesday
Nap Time. Liloo smsed me. Was in the middle of a nap. Forgot to reply her. HEHE. Just thought of it. HEHE
06:30pm - 10:30pm Tuesday
Mr Chan promised to bring me to Chinatown for good food. Yeah! Nice butt and good food. What more can a woman want. Except for Gucci.
Chinatown: Wish you were here CMJ.
Yours sincerely,
TimeBlog by bunny
At 1:44 PM, May 25, 2005,
, your number one fan said,
thankfully i can remember your ever-so-long web add in my punnnnnyyyyy brain, or rather, my memory, which is fast depleting, or maybe, depleted after i've rbered urs. reading this in office, while ppl are walking arnd me, getting their papers, and maybe peeping wad on earth am i reading. thanks, thanks fer forgetting to reply. sickening dawnie the bunny. see u tml evening.
yours unfaithfully
liloo the linnie, who is falling asleep soon
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
My mum just asked me to look at my dad's hp again?!
And his receipts?!?!
I mean just when I thought she has completely given up hope she does this again!?
I mean what is she?! A sucker for tragedy?
How many times must she hit rock bottom before she realises that HE IS NOT COMING BACK?!
GRRR.. the above actions on most days would be fine with me
THE THING IS, the hp rang when she was asking me to check the smses!
And she snatched it from me to answer
Obviously the person on the other line kept quiet rite?
AND... AND... AND... she has to say things to spite the Other Woman.
"Hello. Hello who is this? Can you speak up? You are interrupting my 'HAPPY session' with my husband. Oh husband, can you pls lock the door. BLAH BLAH BLAH."
I maybe selfish but I hope to see her separate from him. HOPEFULLY SOON.
disclaimer: bunny is in a extremely bad bad mood. there will be one day when she look back at this post and regrets what she says but for now... she is very mad with her mum...
Monday, May 23, 2005
A 'Get out of Debt' job
verb: Also known as a GOOD job. A well-paying job people take in order to pay off their debts, one that they will quit as soon as they are solvent again.
I need one.
Which means tml I have try to sell myself (main/core product which is a whole lot of bullshit) and my skills (aesthetics) to Ms Susan Quah.
Okie. Becuz I'm particularly bored and nosey as usual. I googled! YES! I googled. And this is what I call researching the company. And here's what I found.

Okie. This picture is pretty fuzzy muzzy. All these dudes are synovate people at some classy function.
And may i present to you the lady on the left, circled in red is Ms SUSAN QUAH! TADA! The other lady circled in red is the boss of synovate singapore. Looks abit like Deon...
See. Susan is in a pants suit at a function. There could be 3 reasons. 1) She came after work: could be a workholic, or 2) she is a no nonsense, straight woman or 3) she has nothing else nice in her wardrobe to wear.
So based on my assumptions or my very assumed delusions, I shall tailor my behaviour tml as accordingly.
My good ol' braclet is finally laid to rest after being with me for 2 years. Sob.. Is that a bad omen for tml?? I shall miss you dearly, my lucky charm.
Anyway, Google is the best search engine! Can find everything under the sun.
I think it's boring how I talk about jobs 24/7. Whats with our lives man? I mean between sleeping and eating and watching tv, is there really nothing else more exciting den flipping the recruitment ads on saturday meh?
Dont let stories of other people getting well paid jobs get you down my frens. I think some of you are feeling abit dishearted. Don't.
I can come up with 101 reasons why they are able to find a job first but my frens, don't discount the fact that they have started their job search sometime ago.
I havent said this for some time.
Jia You!
Okie, maybe it will help if you try to be nicer to the HR people....
Becuz we are a bunch of regular kids with limited cash funds, I strongly recommend you or at least those of you who are broke to:
1) take up fizzna's offer of singers, dancers, jugglers and performancers at tiong bahru especially those who live nearby. If the offer is still on..
2) spend the day at your friend's house (how you spend your time there doesnt matter) and have meals at their place
3) bugger friends who are working part time to give you a treat the next time you meet up
4) sell your kidneys
5) sell your eggs (recommended by dajie)
6) sub-rent out your womb
7) or find a sugar daddy, man or butch to support you if you look like this:

I dont wish to look like her. But I wish to exchange dads.
Mr Chan's going for his interview as well tml. Win them over with your tight butt dude!! Good ruck baby! You are never ronely *beam*
Sunday, May 22, 2005
A short story
Ding Dong.
Ding Dong.
Ding Dong.
It was saturday afternoon and Miss Chan was rudely awaken by the sound of the doorbell at 1.30pm. Groggily, Miss Chan stumbled to open her room's door to find out which idiotic salesman was trying his luck on a saturday afternoon.
She stepped into her living room and found her sister, miss gorzilla aka Miss G squatting in the middle of the main door which was wide open.
"What you doing squatting there?" asked Miss Chan.
"Jie, ah gu says po-po is dead," exclaimed Miss G.
Ah gu, in her forties, is mentally disabled and was adopted into the family many many years back. She was on her way home from the school for people with special needs and had pressed the doorbell to her home for umpteen times but no one had answered the door.
Worried, she crossed over to her nearest relatives for help.
"WTF?!" Miss Chan exclaimed as she shoved the toothbrush into her mouth simultaneously changed into shorts as fast as she could.
"Quick go and change. Tell her we are going up with her and give Uncle K or Daddy a call," said Miss Chan.
Uncle K, a lecturer at a local polytechnic is one half of a pair of twins. He is still a single in his late 40s who lives with ah gu and popo.
Miss G ran to change and called Uncle K while I tied shoelaces for ah gu.
After a brief and tensed exchange with Uncle K who promised to rush down, Miss G said to me, "Tell Uncle K better den tell Daddy. Daddy will just tell us to settle it."
Miss Chan signalled to ah gu to ask her why didnt she bring her keys out today as per-normal and she motioned that she has forgotten today.
In the lift, Miss G wrote on a piece of paper and asked ah gu not to worry and perhaps Popo has only fainted. At that, Miss Chan made a face and rolled her eyes.
"You should just say maybe Popo is sleeping lor," said Miss Chan.
"OOPS!" exclaimed Miss G as the lift opened at the 17th floor.
Miss Chan rushed forth to press the doorbell several times. Ding Dong. Ding Dong. No one answered.
"Jie, I'm scared," said Miss G.
Miss Chan ignored her and continued to bang on the door loudly.
"Like that is going to help," retored Miss G who in turn started to bang on the door too and yelled for Popo loudly.
Suddenly, the door creaked. And Popo opened the door.
Miss Chan gasped in shocked while Miss G stood rooted to the ground.
"I fell asleep and couldn't hear the bell," explained Popo in cantonese.
Miss Chan decided that Popo wouldn't be very pleased to hear that they thought that she was DEAD and hence didn't mention anything. Besides, Popo's hearing wasn't very good too. It was at that stage where one has to shout a little to make sure she hears right.
Miss Chan and Miss G, unsure of what to say and do next, wanted to leave because Popo was starting to scold ah gu for troubling others.
After exchanging goodbyes, the 2 sisters left.
In the lift, Miss Chan and Miss G kept silent without talking to each other.
As they were walking back to their block, they remained silent still.
All of a sudden. They giggled madly. Loudly. On a rainy saturday afternoon.
- Welcome back memorandum
- Give me back my koi
- Race Queens
- Fat Face Alert
- From Print to Screen
- Caught between the Keyboard & Mouse
- Mr Wei's no show
- Criticism before stardom
- I'm your sassy neighbour
- The Mr Wei Blabberman Show
- You are SO PRETTY
- I want to look like you too.
- Is your surgeon Woffles Wu?
- This is sad. After going through my collection of posts, me, the profeminist old hag has only written 2 posts on MEN!! I can't believe it!!
- Dicks and other Dickheads
- Hitchhiker Guide
- whyiBLOG
- 97) started out as another avenue to avoid a bunch of barking female dogs.. oops.. who let the dogs out... woof.. woof.. woof.. woof..
- 98) to show that pretty geeks can construct proper sentences too
- 99) nothing better to do
- 100) as a memory keepsake and also to remember/honour the silly things my frens have done or said
- 101) to improve my writing skills and hone my sorely lacking creativity
At 2:24 PM, June 17, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
Actually, those Tim Tams can be found in Melbourne easily. I have a friend who's practically addicted to these chocolate biscuits.