Blogger's Block
Warning: Today's blog is not interesting.
It's Blogger's block day! And PMS day!
Today the volcano erupted. GRRR...
Have you noticed? Women nowadays are getting more and more bad tempered. I think women who eats more meat are more proned to bad temper. But seriously, women have it good lah. Can have bad mood days and be excused as PMS. Can use excuse of PMS to gorge on chocolate. Can use cramps to fake for MC. Can use PMS to bully bf.
Poor men. Have to resort to buying brides from kalimantan and vietnam. WOMEN ARE PUSSIES. THEY ARE NOT CATTLE. oops. No government scholarships. Erm.. what i wanted to say is women should NOT be bought!
General rule of thumb, you need to know what buttons to push and what NOT to push. *PLS READ CAREFULLY MR CHAN.
That's why shaolin monks live a longer life. LAH.
Oh ya I wanted to write about my standoff with the giant moth in the toilet the other day but I forgot.
If I ever see that pervert moth again, I swear i will pluck off its wings and cook it for mr chan to eat.
Thats all my contributions for today.
p/s oh so how you find today's Square Pegs ending? HAHAHA
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Yesterday. As in Wednesday. I went out for lunch with my mum. We ordered too much and hence the remaining of the food we asked to be packed.
After lunch, we went shopping for shoes.
This entry is not designed to bore you with the details of what I do per day. I was going to tell you that as we went shopping I could detect a faint odour trailing us.
Which smells like fart.
So I was thinking: who the hell is farting around me?
It couldn't be me wat. I mean I laosai on a very frequent basis but I wasn't feeling very shitty then. I mean besides if it was me who farted, I would know rite? I mean at least my asshole would know rite?
Den I look at my mum. Suspiciously.
The fart smell trailed us for like 45mins. Going on and off.

My mum left. To go sing ktv with her friends.
Den it hit me later while I was in the toilet shitting.
I'm not sure if you have came across this dish in crystal jade but it is shaped like a samosa but fillings are made of veggies which looked like spring onions, those long and thin type.
THAT IS THE THING THAT gave off an odd smell which smells like fart.
And I was holding on to it.
BLOODY HELL. And later my mum confessed that she thought that I was farting all the way. And she was too polite to mention it.
After lunch, we went shopping for shoes.
This entry is not designed to bore you with the details of what I do per day. I was going to tell you that as we went shopping I could detect a faint odour trailing us.
Which smells like fart.
So I was thinking: who the hell is farting around me?
It couldn't be me wat. I mean I laosai on a very frequent basis but I wasn't feeling very shitty then. I mean besides if it was me who farted, I would know rite? I mean at least my asshole would know rite?
Den I look at my mum. Suspiciously.
The fart smell trailed us for like 45mins. Going on and off.

My mum left. To go sing ktv with her friends.
Den it hit me later while I was in the toilet shitting.
I'm not sure if you have came across this dish in crystal jade but it is shaped like a samosa but fillings are made of veggies which looked like spring onions, those long and thin type.
THAT IS THE THING THAT gave off an odd smell which smells like fart.
And I was holding on to it.
BLOODY HELL. And later my mum confessed that she thought that I was farting all the way. And she was too polite to mention it.
Afternote: My mind is in a mess now. I know that the interview tomorrow will help me path my career in market research. But the thought of going back to market research makes me.... Den WHY AM I STILL APPLYING FOR MARKET RESEARCH JOBS?!?! I'm a very confused individual with no control over my thinking and movement ability.
Can someone tell me how much to sell my soul to the devil for? 2.3k?
It's either my soul or my kidneys man.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Liar Liar panties on fire
I'm actually having a headache now so I decided to blog a little to take my mind off the pain...
Today someone had the nerve to play a trick on me.
Who else but the dunno-how-death-word-is-written-guy called Mr Chan.
I dont know if I have told anyone before I can date any guy, fat, thin, with 2 noses but they have to be tall.
At least tall enough to let me rest my shoulders on rite?
Say 1.7m & above?
And of cuz with a nice perky butt.
Which of cuz Mr Chan has.
That is if you have noticed.
Well, you can take a peek next time if you see him.
I'm sure he doesn't mind.
This dunno-how-death-word-is-written-guy revealed to me that actually he is shorter den 1.7m.
You may think 'oh no big deal'
But in the past I have asked him 2 times about his height and each time, he would tell me '1.7 something lah. very long time never measure lah'.
So today he said he is actually 1.68.
But he maintains that he didn't lie to me about his height. Becuz after wearing his shoes, he is 1.7m MAH.
And he said I was onboard 'thieves ship'.
Dont let me see you without your shoes MR CHAN
From your submissive and loving girlfriend,
p/s after looking at the you-are-dead-meat-look on my face, he told me that he is actually 1.73m lah
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Dilemma at 10.15am
I woke up at around 10am today. For the past few weeks, I didnt wake up before 12pm.
Unless 1)there's school 2)the house is on fire 3)to go sing KTV.
Now. Today's there's no school, no fire and no KTV. And I was awake at 10am.
Someone from Synovate gave me a call to ask me to go for interview.
By right, I should be jumping for joy rite? BUT I'M NOT!! BOO!
The BEST part is that either I didnt pay attention to the details or the person forgot to tell me what time.
I shouldn't be faulted rite? I was groggy from sleep lah.
At the risk of sounding stupid, I shall call back tomorrow to ask if I can change it to 11am on Friday :(
I think I will get it. But I hope I don't.
Do I sound like a brat? What should I do?!?
bunny's sudden burst of energy
Today. A brand new day.
I feel this burst of energy. To be proactive in looking for jobs.
I went to look at my job application for my dream job at Unilever and realise the email had bounced back.
Pee pee pa pee poo
It's my dream job ok.
Think of all the shampoos and body foams I can look at everyday.
Uhhhhhh *shudder*
Must resend.
I just went to reflip saturday's recruitment ad.
It must be a sign from above to tell me to go back to market research.
AcNielsen was hiring a few weeks ago. Now Taylor Nelson is hiring and synovate and mobius! ayam must go apply k? you surely can get it.
Not very keen to go back to market research but still I need to make a living & save enough to ask for mr Chan's hand in marriage rite?
It's tough being a FCP nowadays.
So I mass apply for jobs today. Not very hopeful becuz in a fit of enthusiasm I 'lion open big mouth' and asked for 2.2k-2.4k
First I laughed myself silly after which I cursed myself.
If anyone calls me for an interview, the company must be dumb dumb or my resume boasting skills must have improved.
Doubt anyone will call.
If no one will call, maybe I can do abit of mystery shopping.
Funny. This time round, I actually can't wait to get and start work.
Maybe I'm tired of being broke. I'm mean who isnt rite?

I bet nobody else besides me finds this funny.
This is my current wallpaper now.

Bloody hell. I cannot understand why they look so hot.
I mean can you imagine Mr Chan & I posing like this?
I mean look at Jolie's butt. Man. She's hot.
Although Brad is fully clothed. I tell you he actually looks erm.. swell... I mean with his killer abs..

Tub of lard, he is not.
I mean if men expect their women to be good looking and put makeup and dress nicely, the least they can do is have killer abs like this rite? Fair is fair.
You noe what makes me peeved? Those makeover shows which tubs of lard husbands nominate their wives and say that their wives had let their figure go after giving birth to children.
These teletubby husbands din even have to push 'a watermelon' out from their holes lor, so fat still complain.
Anyway I dunno why I tok until this topic.
*** Remember a few days ago, I said I will scan smooth operator's KBOX receipt? I saw it in the toilet bowl today boohoo.. Remember that day? I arrived at around 12pm rite? His receipt says that he paid and left at around 12.09pm. Maybe my old man saw me. Must make him pee in his pants more often.
**You can post your comments again!!**
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Eh give me a good ending lah!!
Girl A - decides not to be the third party and leaves for England to study English.
Girl B - decided not to let the guy choose between the 2 of them leaves for Japan. To learn the art of Japanese Tea.
The guy decided that he doesnt want to choose between the 2 woman he loves and left for Hong Kong.
The 3 of them left without knowing that the other parties have chosen to give way as well.
2 years later, they returned to the town and met on a big green field and are so happy that the 3 of them held hands and smile at each other.
The end.
I have just told you the ending for Square Pegs, the 7pm show on Channel 8.
Eh I'm so angry after watching the last episode lor.
I mean he is supposed to be with his wife in the end wat. 3 of them holding hand in the big field as the ending IS WAT???
If i know the director I will give him 2 tight slaps.
And a big kick.
Make me watch 20 vcds to see a dumb ending.
Flowers on a pile of ....
I was in Orchard today. Orchard is always packed on saturdays. Why do people always choose to go down to orchard during the weekends? 5 stressful days in the office and still choose to journey down to jostle shoulders with the entire Singapore at Orchard. Beyond comprehension.
Today at Orchard, I had this bad craving for chatterbox. But I was broke. Really broke. So broke that I had Long John Silver. And bak kwa. And now it turns out that I have created this really bad craving for bak kwa.
In the past, when I was sort of pursuing Mr Chan (used to known as Mr Wei), knowing that he loves bak kwa too, I bought him a packed of bak kwa (200gms). Sometimes I wonder if I did win his heart over with that packed of bak kwa. Other times I would wonder if I had fight with him for more den a bite of that pack of bak kwa will he have a chance to be referred to as Mr Chan. Maybe not. Knowing what a glutton he is.
Anyway, I was talking about Orchard road rite? Is it me? Or are there more manly-looking women out there nowadays?
I'm perfectly fine with man-looking women. I have no grudges against them.
It is fine to be a manly looking woman which i refer to as naturally tomboyish and it is another thing to actively dress up like a man while I can still see the teeny bumps on their chest which I think can still be referred to as breasts.
It is damn sad to see fine-looking girls and women behaving affectionately with other manly looking women. I dun think these girls and women are so totally scorned by men that they have to turn to manly looking women and I seriously dun think there is a lack of men in Singapore. A lack of good men, maybe but a lack of men, seriously not lah. WHY? help me understand can?
I mean whats the use of a man without his penis rite**??
**note: the above sentence doesn't necessarily imply that men have nothing else like brain cells besides their penis.
I realised that by flaming people or groups of people on my blog, that it might (1) minimise my chances of getting any government scholarships (ha), (2) increases possibility of receiving hate mail & death threats in the toilets and (3) could get me into trouble with the law as well. I'm eagerly awaiting tomorrow's edition of Sunday Times to tell me more about how my ass can get into trouble with my blog.
Yeah. Today I'm pretty happy for my future prospects. A market research firm has requested to see my resume HEE and just as I was thinking that the job market is bleak, there are a few interesting jobs in the recruit section! Hooray!
- Welcome back memorandum
- Give me back my koi
- Race Queens
- Fat Face Alert
- From Print to Screen
- Caught between the Keyboard & Mouse
- Mr Wei's no show
- Criticism before stardom
- I'm your sassy neighbour
- The Mr Wei Blabberman Show
- You are SO PRETTY
- I want to look like you too.
- Is your surgeon Woffles Wu?
- This is sad. After going through my collection of posts, me, the profeminist old hag has only written 2 posts on MEN!! I can't believe it!!
- Dicks and other Dickheads
- Hitchhiker Guide
- whyiBLOG
- 97) started out as another avenue to avoid a bunch of barking female dogs.. oops.. who let the dogs out... woof.. woof.. woof.. woof..
- 98) to show that pretty geeks can construct proper sentences too
- 99) nothing better to do
- 100) as a memory keepsake and also to remember/honour the silly things my frens have done or said
- 101) to improve my writing skills and hone my sorely lacking creativity
At 11:15 PM, May 21, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
big mouth