Mad Blogger Villian (Part Two)
Ok. Some old folks have complained to me about the extremely contrasting background which I used to have and that it hurts their eyes/vision. Fear not. The mad blogger has it changed to a more soothing plum-ie colour which will enable your eyes to last you through old age.
The mad blogger is working on the previous posts column and she is driving herself crazy trying to figure out whats wrong. Bear in mind that she's no tech nerd whiz, she's just a normal nerd trying to blog. She wishes that she could try harder to shed her nerdy image by dressing more skimpily and revealing more fats but very sad to say, men seems to be more attracted to her sarcastic wit than her milking machines. Unlike others. Bang Bang.
Ok. That was out of line.
Moving on.
Can Miss R from Class A stop staring at me? I know I bad mouthed your friend but CAN YOU PLS STOP STARING AT ME? I know pretty nerds are hard to come by. Accept it.
Moving on.
I'm in a not very pleasant mood at the moment becuz of dumb template. Lets give template a name and call him Kyle. Template Kyle must be a male becuz males are the only species which irritates me most of the time. Ok. Not most. All.
My pc is called Mindy. My plants are called Mandy and Dickie. My hp is called Brad Keanu Bloom. Or Takeshi Kaneshiro. For the moment.
Moving on.
Have you noticed? WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE TO FIGHT OVER THE CORNER SEATS ON THE MRT? These people are crazy. I hate corner seats. I cant see my own reflection.
Moving on.
I need a hair cut. Becuz dry hair ends are the ONLY reason why there are Spontaneous Human Combustion. Am I gonna be nominated for nobel prize for my discovery?
Thats all the complaining I can do for today.
At 1:48 AM, May 10, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
im attracted to both your sarcastic wits and your milking machines :p
At 3:08 AM, May 10, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
ooo... i like ur sacarstic wits but oh my..r u sure u really have milking machines? my my...i have to check it out myself u