Let there be wannabes
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,
I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.
Eh. Really got people enter the superstar contest leh.
This people got stars/stamps in their eyes.
Stars are good. They give you the hope to dream. But too many stars block their visions of reality as well as their own reflections in the mirror.
Disclaimer: When wannabes enter contests like Miss singapore, or some silly superstar contest, there will definitely be this group of people who criticise these contestants. Usually, this group of people are not any better looking or more talented than the wannabes themselves but they derived a pleasure so great in criticising these wannabes that these critics say the feeling derived is even better den sex and chocolates.
Actually, these critics have nothing better to do. And yours sincerely belongs to this group of people.
Before I go on any further, let me just tell you. Kingdom of Heaven SUCKS. I wanted to warn the public about it a few days ago but I was in my obsessed mode. I was so obsessed I sleep at 4-6am everyday, ignoring people on MSN, to do layout. I would probably ignore the president too if he came to my house for a visit. AND WORST! I even overslept for my ktv session.
Any way huh. In case, you are wondering where I get my compulsive genes from, it should be from my mum. You know how I tell you guys that she 'seems' to have given up hope on daddy - or now known as smooth operator, SHE JUST ASKED ME TO LOOK AT THIS KTV RECEIPT FROM SMOOTH OPERATOR'S POCKET. That's not the best part. The best part is *drum roll* smooth operator went for a KTV session on the same day as me!! AT PARADIZ, on the same day, for the K-Lunch package too. *gasp*
See!! I was so close to seeing smooth operator and his bookie gf.
If life is like the dramas I always watch, we would meet along the corridor of Kbox and I would look at them bitterly and say: "so what ma said is real. you dun love us anymore"
Smooth operator: "your ma can't give me everything i wan"
Bookie lady will smugly say to me: "money can buy everything including love"
And coolly, she should offer me like 1 million dollars to get my mum to leave smooth operator and I WOULD accept with bitter tears in my eyes.
But den again, he's not worth 1 million dollars. Maybe except for hell notes.
Oh heaven, pls strike me.
If I can get hold of the receipt, I shall scan it for you people to see.
Back to the wannabe topic. Do you know that the wannabe in our class actually has the guts to boast that he sings better den Ah du. Pui *roll my eyes* my humble sch idol, super lungs CMJ dun even dare to boast that she sings better den Tracy Huang and this idiot wannabe is 'old man wang selling his veggies' in one corner.
If your mandarin sucks on usual days, you wont understand 'old man wang selling his veggies'.
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,
I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.
Eh. Really got people enter the superstar contest leh.
This people got stars/stamps in their eyes.
Stars are good. They give you the hope to dream. But too many stars block their visions of reality as well as their own reflections in the mirror.
Disclaimer: When wannabes enter contests like Miss singapore, or some silly superstar contest, there will definitely be this group of people who criticise these contestants. Usually, this group of people are not any better looking or more talented than the wannabes themselves but they derived a pleasure so great in criticising these wannabes that these critics say the feeling derived is even better den sex and chocolates.
Actually, these critics have nothing better to do. And yours sincerely belongs to this group of people.
Before I go on any further, let me just tell you. Kingdom of Heaven SUCKS. I wanted to warn the public about it a few days ago but I was in my obsessed mode. I was so obsessed I sleep at 4-6am everyday, ignoring people on MSN, to do layout. I would probably ignore the president too if he came to my house for a visit. AND WORST! I even overslept for my ktv session.
Any way huh. In case, you are wondering where I get my compulsive genes from, it should be from my mum. You know how I tell you guys that she 'seems' to have given up hope on daddy - or now known as smooth operator, SHE JUST ASKED ME TO LOOK AT THIS KTV RECEIPT FROM SMOOTH OPERATOR'S POCKET. That's not the best part. The best part is *drum roll* smooth operator went for a KTV session on the same day as me!! AT PARADIZ, on the same day, for the K-Lunch package too. *gasp*
See!! I was so close to seeing smooth operator and his bookie gf.
If life is like the dramas I always watch, we would meet along the corridor of Kbox and I would look at them bitterly and say: "so what ma said is real. you dun love us anymore"
Smooth operator: "your ma can't give me everything i wan"
Bookie lady will smugly say to me: "money can buy everything including love"
And coolly, she should offer me like 1 million dollars to get my mum to leave smooth operator and I WOULD accept with bitter tears in my eyes.
But den again, he's not worth 1 million dollars. Maybe except for hell notes.
Oh heaven, pls strike me.
If I can get hold of the receipt, I shall scan it for you people to see.
Back to the wannabe topic. Do you know that the wannabe in our class actually has the guts to boast that he sings better den Ah du. Pui *roll my eyes* my humble sch idol, super lungs CMJ dun even dare to boast that she sings better den Tracy Huang and this idiot wannabe is 'old man wang selling his veggies' in one corner.
If your mandarin sucks on usual days, you wont understand 'old man wang selling his veggies'.
Mama mia here I go again. My my how can I resist you (What every superstar needs is a super glam eyewear)
In case you dun noe, Tracy Huang is this aunty singer back in my mum's time and Ah du is a singapore talentspotted construction supervisor who recently morphed into a plumpish looking singer. Dont get me wrong. I like Ah du, his husky voice and his songs. But also, I prefer male singers to be picture perfect. Like Lee Hom. Picture so so so very perfect.
Anyway, I was talking about this person in our class. Male, 24, specs wearing, active church goer, who was boasting about his singing abilities is the person who entered the superstar contest together with this girl whose nickname is bowling. Girl, let me tell you, trenchcoat and boots doesn't make you ultra hip in class. And light blue eyeshadow is only suitable for SIA stewardess.
For friendship and for support, this 2 very unique and special good friends, for better or for worst entered the contest. Their friendship bond is so strong that I was touched momentarily by it. I mean if CMJ ask me to accompany her to join some singing contest, I will seriously ask her to kiss my ass. See.. our friendship is not as strong as theirs even though I gave her a peck on her cheeks on thursday.
But sad to say, the bowling ball didn't manage to get into the final 100 but the guy did!! YEAH!! Another proud product of SIM. I'm proud of you my friend. Even though, I think you are boastful and irritating back den when I was doing project with you, I wish you best of luck.
Anyway, I was talking about this person in our class. Male, 24, specs wearing, active church goer, who was boasting about his singing abilities is the person who entered the superstar contest together with this girl whose nickname is bowling. Girl, let me tell you, trenchcoat and boots doesn't make you ultra hip in class. And light blue eyeshadow is only suitable for SIA stewardess.
For friendship and for support, this 2 very unique and special good friends, for better or for worst entered the contest. Their friendship bond is so strong that I was touched momentarily by it. I mean if CMJ ask me to accompany her to join some singing contest, I will seriously ask her to kiss my ass. See.. our friendship is not as strong as theirs even though I gave her a peck on her cheeks on thursday.
But sad to say, the bowling ball didn't manage to get into the final 100 but the guy did!! YEAH!! Another proud product of SIM. I'm proud of you my friend. Even though, I think you are boastful and irritating back den when I was doing project with you, I wish you best of luck.
Without you, how do I spend my lonely nights? how do i exercise my sarcasm right?
Yours Sincerely
Miss Chan
P/s Sorrie to Nana for breaking the news first... You noe my mouth and keyboard, I cannot help it.
Wailing: WHYYYYYYYY why CAN'T i go to bed before 2 am?
At 4:31 AM, May 14, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
Nana here.. Its ok. I spent 2 hrs blogging abt him oso. So much so that CMJ can sae ' I dint noe he can sing?!'.. Still cant imagine n stuff...
So sorry for keeping u awake for so many days. U just do ur own stuff. i'll try to meddle ard abit haha..Another 500 days, my blog shd be up.
He sure need alot of luck, cos only then we can earn tips for telling the 'fruity' magazines abt his so ever holy n Gentleman deeds..
At 2:07 AM, May 15, 2005,
Anonymous, your number one fan said,
I cant go to sleep before 4am. I'll be zoombie on Monday. bah! linnie