Fathers' Day
I would like to wish Hammie a Happy Fathers' Day!!
Love you Hammie Boy.

What?! You mean I have a father?!?!
Darth Vader says he's my father.
I havent seen him for 2 days and I have seen hammie every day.
Yes. In this post, I'm regret to inform all that I'm loose once again in the job market.
I made this decision on Friday, which was supposed to be Friday Blog Fever Day but I spent it bawling my eyes out and Mr wei's shoulders were flooded with mucus and tears. Poor baby. It's moments like this that I forget he is a naggy old man and he is actually someone I love berry berry much.
Maybe I had a bad 2 working days but I don't think I will regret my decision but if I had stayed I would most probably have regretted it.
I mean I have never ever cried becuz of work.
Bastard Neo. I hope your children have no assholes.
Anyway, please don't ask me specifically why I quit. I could get defensive, angry, irritated, pissed whatever. And you wouldn't want to see that.
I will blog it out of my system when I'm ready. Thanks for your concerns my loves.
Anyway, since I'm loose once again. I will organise an outing soon. An outing where we will spend little money and an outing where I can take loads of crappy pictures of you lovely people.
I present to you

Contact me for more details. HA