A Woman's Right to Shoes.
Yeah! And to Handbags and to Earrings.
I spent yet another sunday with 2 million sweaty human beans in Orchard again!
Can't say that I have enjoyed it though..
Today Mr Wei NEEDED to buy a NEW TIE to MATCH his NEW G2000 business shirt.
Like the way a woman need a pair of Jimmy Choo or Manolos Blahnik to match a new handbag.
Gee... Mr wei, what did you say to me the last time I wanted to buy a pair of earrings to match my top?
Gee... Mr wei, what did you say to me the last time I wanted to buy a handbag to match my top?
Men are often opposing women's right to everything fun. BOO!
So off we went to Orchard to shop around for cheap and good looking ties. And yes, most of the time, that is an oxymoron.
Most of the time, nothing is cheap and good looking except for men.
Before, I get stoned on the streets. I would like to remind readers that I'm referring to good looking playboys in general.
So today at Orchard, a brief experience of watching the Changing of Guards parade at the Istana.
I don't mean that the guards showed me their six pecs in public.
Not that lucky, I guess

P/s One day, just one fine hot sweaty day, I will swagger sweatly into On Pedder at Ngee Ann City to blow 1k on a pair of fabuuulouuuus shoes that can rival the height of Malaysia's Petronas Tower.
Watch this space for the list of tough difficult questions which I will experience at tomorrow's interview as experienced by ayam
Since I have forgotten to borrow CMJ's lucky red panties, wish me luck.
At 3:51 AM, June 06, 2005,
Icy PrinCesS, your number one fan said,
Hey dawnie, good luck to u too!~