
Monday, June 13, 2005

The blogging community

I was reading Kenny Sia today and I was so bored and lonely at home becuz Hammie refuses to play with me so to kill time, I took Kenny's NEW blogger personality test

Congratulations , you are...

Finicky Feline of finickyfeline.liquidblade.com

You may seem sweet on the outside but behind you hide a sharpened claw. You have the observation skills of a forensic detective and can see right through people easily. You attract attention, both good and bad, but more bad than good. You've seen more assholes in life than a proctologist. The bad ones tries to screw you over but quickly learnt that its a bad move because you enjoy screwing them back accordingly.

Which Singaporean Blogger Are You?


So NOT true.

Remember? I'm sugar and spice and everything nice. All the way.

Can't remember the last time I bitch about someone.

On Saturday's papers, there was a column on this singapore teenager blogger, 19years old who posted a picture of herself in her birthday suit.

See Sarong Party Girl Birthday Suit



Innocent children below 18 shouldn't click on that link above.

I saw this a few days ago but was thinking no big deal what. Some more not say very chio with or without clothes.

I also can post naked pictures wat.

Some more cuter 100 times

What big coconuts you have hammie says little red riding hood

p/s applause for nana's long blog which kept me entertained for 1 hour