Fat Face Alert
The last time I wrote about anything seemed like millions of years ago.
And today, Mr Lee inspired me to blog a little so you can give him your thanks.
Mr Wei is currently at a place where there is free lodging and food everyday.
No, not the jail but he will be in reservist for about 2 weeks. Commando(s) no less.
So in 2 weeks time:
1) I can play unlimited Maple. YEAH!
2) There is no naggy boyfriend to nag and complain that I'm a better gamer than him. YEAH!
3 At the end 2 weeks, I will have a tone-r boyfriend. YEAH!
It is things like these that makes me love the government. I LOVE YOU, Singapore government!!
Not that Mr Wei is growing horizontally. He is not. But it has been awhile since I see and feel any muscles. Well... I better stop talking about Mr Wei's upper half body muscles before he gets angry.
Lets talk about his lower half body 'muscle'.
If not Mr Wei will get angry that I talk about his lower half body 'muscle'.
Hiyo. I mean his very perky butt. PERKY. By the way, I noe EC has tried to sneak a look before.
Thats why Mr Wei is angry.
Becuz he feels that NOT enuff people has tried to sneak a look at his PERKY butt.
Keep up the good work, EC.
So basically I will be rotting at home the whole of this time and I have no frens or my frens are as broke as me, or that my frens prefer to rush home after meeting up for awhile.
Oh no I'm not talking about anyone in particular man
Lazying around at home and having my fat ass stuck on the chair the whole day is making my face fat.
Genetically I have to thank smooth operator for my fat face structure but I have to admit that the 2 piece of fatty meat I call my cheeks are actually digested carrot cake.
I used to be plumpish. With triple or quadruplet chins. I can't remember becuz it was such a traumatic experience. If anybody ask me to prove with pictures, I will have to kill them - to silence witnesses.
This could also be why I dun have any remaining frens. Cuz they are all dead.
Can someone please ask me out to exercise? The only exercise I get around the house is to move my heavy bolster around my bed. AND I try to do this exercise twice a day, around 5pm and around 3am BUT it is NOT working.
Did you manage to catch the new Jacelyn Tay health talkshow? I can't believe she looked so radiant. Her skin is glowing LOR. WHY AM I NOT LIKE THAT?!
I read from this month's Her World that for SAFE and gradual dieting/weight loss - take your weight X 22
For example, I'm 72kg (NEVER!)
So it will be 72 X 22 = 1584 calories. That is the amount of calories you should take a day to gradually lose weight.
Sometimes I wonder about young women's obsession to stay skinny but after they get married and give birth to children, they seemed to have lost this obsession.
On the way to meet Mr Wei at Tampenis yesterday, I made the above observation when a plump auntie 'sat on' my lap in her haste to secure the bloody MRT seat. Mind you, it was 60 odd kg on a 42kg young girl.
If I'm ever married and if I'm able to bear children, I will include in a contract that for having to squeeze a watermelon out from below, I will expect my husband to full subsidise slimming sessions at Maria France Bodyline.
And if I don't look anything like Christy Chung, I will sue my husband and Maria France Bodyline.
p/s Anyway I said I will photoblog Liloo's birthday right? I havent gotten around to do it. Man, I dont even have time to brush my teeth on some days. I cant photoblog too much about Liloo's birthday becuz not everybody would be like CMJ, who loves to be featured in my photoblog you know.